
A specific portion of the photogrammetry point cloud was selected (Region 1) for further experimentation where an architectural intervention is suitable for placement. Region 1 is located in the space between the door to the courtyard, the “VR Cave” (black box space for virtual reality applications), the end of designated bar stool seating, and the edge of the main food counter. This region corresponds to a major intersection point of dominant circulation paths, double height and single height spaces, natural and artificial lighting, and differing activities (people getting food, people leaving with food, people sitting on bar stools to eat, people choosing to sit down at a table in the space beyond, people having casual meetings, people unexpectedly bumping into colleagues, people deciding which side of the main eating space to eat, people coming in or leaving to the adjacent courtyard etc.) 

emerging shards of lump connections

An orbiting view around Region 1. The emergence of a form defined by sharp edges and curvilinear intermediate forms is hypothesised to arise from the relative lack of texture and definition of the floor, ceiling, and large black wall of the “VR Cave”, and the regular but thin black geometries (which can be registered as both shadows and formal geometry by the software) of the adjacent bar stools and tables. Missing trapezoidal and other regular polygon shapes from the point cloud typically result directly from a lack of textural information and often occurs when registering blank and/or smooth surfaces.  

fold through, under, back over, and out again

This plan view of Region 1 collapses and reduces the perception of the point cloud to focus on point density, creating transparent overlaps and emphasizing other local point relationships. Predominant continuous densities are used to define a general instruction for folding a physical material.

folds in three-dimensions